As a school we endeavour to monitor all students who are not making adequate progress in the four broad areas specified in the SEND Code of Practice i.e., communication and interaction needs, cognition and learning difficulties, social, emotional, and mental health difficulties, and sensory and/or physical development.

We work closely with all parents to listen to their views to build on children’s previous experiences, knowledge, understanding and skills so that they develop in all aspects of the curriculum.

Parent/carer involvement and support is vital to the success of the education of the children and especially those with SEND.

Students with SEND are fully integrated into the life of the school and the curriculum, recognising the strengths of every individual as well as any areas for development, ensuring all contribute to the social and cultural activities of the school.

Parents will always be kept informed of any additional or different provision being given and invited to contribute to and attend any review meetings about their child.