School Day
School doors open at 8:25am. Students should arrive on time to get ready for the start of the day, and to score their homework before morning devotions.
Prayer and Worship take place every Monday and Friday with Chapel/discussion groups taking place every Wednesday.
Parents are welcome to join us for Chapel Services and assemblies on Wednesday mornings at 8:45am.
Morning Sessions
- ACE PACE work
- Two 10-minute stretch breaks and one 30-minute fruit break.
- Break times may take place in the main hall, a marked off area in the car park, back courtyard or the social area. Students are supervised by an adult at all times.
- At school, we want to make lunchtimes as pleasant and educational as we can. These are times to encourage healthy eating habits, good manners and respect for one another and enjoyment of each other’s company.
We will encourage your children to eat all that you provide and send any leftovers home so you can see what has been eaten.
Afternoon Sessions
- Group lessons
- Coursework lessons
- ACE PACE work (This session includes one 15-minute break)
- School pickup 3:30pm